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Pediatric Myofascial Release

This introductory hands-on workshop is designed for therapists whose primary focus is on the pediatric population. Myofascial Release will be presented for the evaluation and treatment of head injuries, cerebral palsy, birth trauma, scoliosis, movement dysfunction, neurological dysfunction, trauma, pain, and headaches.

“I have gained so many new treatment ideas during the Pediatric Myofascial Workshop. We spent the perfect amount of time in hands-on workshops that I have a good handle on how to perform these techniques correctly to get maximum results with my pediatric patients.”

As a result of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Differentiate and identify the fascial system as it relates to whole body function.
  • Discuss postural evaluation and identify myofascial malalignment in the pediatric population.
  • Evaluate pediatric patients and apply myofascial release techniques in a lab setting.
  • Identify techniques to assist in normalizing tone and improving the quality and quantity of movement of the pediatric patient.
  • Define and apply the principles learned in this seminar.
  • Differentiate myofascial release vs. complementary pediatric techniques such as NDT and SI via lecture and discussion.

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Pediatric Myofascial Release is taught by the following instructors.

12 Hour Seminar
Student / Faculty Ratio:  15:1
Tuition:  $595 per person or $495 per person if registered 2 weeks prior to seminar date.

Locations & Dates:

San Diego, California
March 29, 30, 2025
Site: Handlery Hotel
Accommodations: Handlery Hotel
Phone: 619-298-0511
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Asheville, North Carolina
April 26, 27, 2025
Site: Doubletree Hilton Asheville-Biltmore
Accommodations: Doubletree Hilton Asheville-Biltmore
Phone: 828-274-1800
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Grand Rapids, Michigan
June 7, 8, 2025
Site: Doubletree Hilton Grand Rapids Airport
Accommodations: Doubletree Hilton Grand Rapids Airport
Phone: 616-957-0100
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