The Boulder MFR Treatment Center is an outpatient, orthopedic, myofascial release physical therapy clinic in Boulder
Colorado founded by John's son Mark Barnes in 1993. The Boulder MFR Treatment Center is unlike most physical therapy
clinics where our focus is on Myofascial Release, Yoga, and Core Fitness. Our results are very high because our
approach is simple, effective, and helps our patients return home with the knowledge and skills to help themselves.
All of our therapists have been trained by Mark Barnes, DPT and John F. Barnes, PT.
In addition to our in-clinic treatment, patients continue their care on-line using our web-based software called BackLab.
BackLab is an innovative, clinical tool developed by Mark Barnes. With the BackLab app, you have online access to
your physical therapist, personal health coach, and exercise plan to help you get better and stay better from
debilitating pain.
Mark Barnes, DPT
Dr. Mark F. Barnes is the founder and owner of SOMA Physical Therapy. His education includes a Doctorate in Physical
Therapy from Regis University and a Masters degree in Physical Therapy from Shenandoah University/Winchester Medical
Center. Mark also has a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Colorado.
Mark has owned and operated multiple out-patient orthopedic physical therapy clinics for the past 24 years and is an
expert in the field of orthopedic rehabilitation. He built his practice by successfully treating complex patients
who have a history of multiple injuries.
Utilizing an integrated therapeutic approach, Mark combines effective treatments of myofascial release, core fitness,
and a simple effective yoga program to treat his patients. Mark gives credit for his clinical success and knowledge
of physical therapy to having the opportunity to train with many experts in the field including his father, John
F. Barnes, PT, who has been a practicing physical therapist and pioneer in his field for 60 years. Mark enjoys
running, cycling, yoga—generally enjoying everything Boulder has to offer.